Saturday, October 08, 2005


I've been a sloth today. It was a topsy-turvy week -- two nights late and three days early for work. One of the doctors left the clinic so there was a going away for him last night at Bob's. It was fun. The people I work with are a riot! I'm off to the MOM this afternoon with Lisa to do a little window shopping -- we both decided we need to get out of our respective houses and get some walking in!

I searched for Bon Jovi tickets today. They're playing 11/11 and I thought for S&G I would see if there was anything good available. Well, if I want to go by myself I can get a crappy ticket, but there was nothing for two or more people to sit together. Unbelievable! How can an 80's hair band still be so popular???? Wait . . . I was looking for tickets wasn't I?

Knitting update: Been working on one of the 8-hour baby afghans. Want to finish the Walk in the Woods sweater so I can wear it in Ely next weekend. All I have to do is sew the sleeves in!

Mouse count: 5


At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... it's been over a month and the Vikes are (apparently) on a winning streak ... yet still no posts?

What's up?


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